Modern genetic approaches to bust yeast tolerance to lignocellulosic hydrolysates
(Saccharomyces cerevisae)
New advances in adaptive evolution protocols, QTL mapping, and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies are proposed to enhance yeast tolerance to lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Learn more...
Here we intend to engineer S. cerevisiae for the production of D-Lactic acid, a promising renewable material for production of bio-friendly plastics. Learn more...
Welcome to our lab!
Genomics and Experimental Evolution of Yeasts

About Us
What are the major changes that occur in the eukaryotic genome during adaptive evolution?
How is the panorama of transcriptomic and epigenomic variations during an evolutionary process?
How can we use the evolutionary adaptive potential of yeasts to generate strains tolerant to fermentation stresses?
How the CRISPR/Cas9 technology and the modern synthetic biology can be used in yeasts to engineer strains for the production of high-value chemicals?
Motivated by a FAPESP Young Investigators Award our lab was established in March 2014 to pursue those fundamental questions. We use genomic and experimental evolution tools to uncover the diversity of evolutionary variations that accumulate in controlled evolution experiments performed in our lab. Mostly, we probe the adaptation of yeast strains to key stressful factors relevant to the bioethanol industry (such as ethanol toxicity) and strive to uncover the genetic/epigenetic diversity undelaying the evolutionary process. Our goal is to understand evolution at a fine molecular level, while also contributing to improvement of sustainable bioenergy technologies. Our lab is located at the Institute for Research in Bioenergy of the São Paulo State University (UNESP).
Current Projects
Modern genetic approaches to boost yeast tolerance to lignocellulosic hydrolysates
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
New advances in adaptive evolution protocols, QTL mapping, and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies are proposed to enhance yeast tolerance to lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Learn more...
Here we intend to engineer S. cerevisiae for the production of D-Lactic acid, a promising renewable material for production of bio-friendly plastics. Learn more...
Adaptive evolution of Escherichia coli for sucrose consumption under anaerobic conditions
Yes, we also conduct evolutionary experiments with E. coli, which we intend to use as a workhorse for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from sugarcane
sucrose. Learn more...
Experimental evolution of ethanol tolerance
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae PE-2)
Here we use the S. cerevisiae strain PE-2, widely used in the Brazilian bioethanol industry, to challenge cellular adaptation to an increasing ethanol concentration. Learn more...
Yeast experimental sexual evolution
(Schizosaccharomyces japonicus)
Here we use fission yeast to approach one of the most important questions in evolutionary biology: what are the advantages of sex over clonal propagation?
Learn more in our dedicated web page...

November 2023 - CNPq Universal project granted to our Lab to support the CRISPR EasyGuide project!
October 2023 - Lucas de Bem has been granted with a sandwich PhD scholarship from FAPESP. He will apply the ReMaSSing to the synthetic Sc2.0 yeast genome at the Cai Lab, UK! Congrats Lucas!
September 2023 - We welcome MSc. Sara Franchin and MSc. Dione Jordan as new members of our team!
August 2023 - We approved a new FAPESP grant to expand our EasyGuide system!
April 2023 - Dr Ana P Jacobus joined the Institute SENAI for Innovation in Biotechnology, São Paulo. A great opportunity to branch out our work! Good luck Ana!
April 2023 - Yasmine defended her PhD qualification with merits! Congrats Yasmine!
Feb 2023 - FAPESP/SPRINT project awarded to Dr. Ana P Jacobus to start a collaboration of our lab with Prof. Bastian Blombach from TUM Straubing. Congrats Ana!
Out 2022 - The EasyGuide CRISPR paper is out!
Out 2022 - Best poster prize for Jef Gross at the EMBO workshop.
Out 2022 - Best poster prize for Yasmine Alves Menegon at the conference Key Technologies in the Bioeconomy.
July 2022 - Yasmine A. Menegon has been granted with a CAPES PhD sandwich scholarship to Australia! Congrats!
April 2022 - Our paper on yeast adaptive laboratory evolution to lignocellulosic hydrolysates is out!
April 2022 - Lucas Souza de Bem granted with a FAPESP PhD scholarship. Congrats Lucas!
January 2022 - Book chapter on hemicellulosic biorefineries.
July 2021 - Our new paper on commercial bioethanol yeasts has been published!
April 2021 - Our paper on bioethanol yeasts genomics in now out!