Modern genetic approaches to bust yeast tolerance to lignocellulosic hydrolysates
(Saccharomyces cerevisae)
New advances in adaptive evolution protocols, QTL mapping, and CRISPR/Cas9 technologies are proposed to enhance yeast tolerance to lignocellulosic hydrolysates. Learn more...
Here we intend to engineer S. cerevisiae for the production of D-Lactic acid, a promising renewable material for production of bio-friendly plastics. Learn more...
Welcome to our lab!
Genomics and Experimental Evolution of Yeasts

June 2019

Quarantine time
Lab Members

Dr. Jeferson Gross, Group Leader
Ph.D. in Plant Molecular Genetics, University of Munich, Germany (2006);
Posdoctoral Fellow in Evolutionary Genomics, University of Iowa and Rutgers University, USA (2007-2013).

Dr. Ana Paula Jacobus, Group Leader
Ph.D. in Physiology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2009);
Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Genetics of Reproductive Endocrinology, University of Pittsburgh, USA (2011-2013).

Yasmine Alves Menegon, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Ph.D. Program in Bioenergy, UNESP, Brazil.

Joneclei Alves Barreto, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Ph.D. Program in Bioenergy, UNESP, Brazil.

Lucas Souza de Bem, Master's student
Postgraduate Program in Genetics and Molecular Biology, UNICAMP, Brazil.

Former Members

Endrew Delbaje, Undergraduate Student (2014-2015)
Biology Student, University of São Paulo, ESALQ, Brazil.

Ewerton Rohwedder, Undergraduate Student (2015-2016)
Biology Student, University of São Paulo, ESALQ, Brazil.

Carolina Boaventura da Silva, Undergraduate Student (2016)
Food Science Student, University of São Paulo, ESALQ, Brazil.

André Young, Undergraduate Student, Diplomation Work (2017-2018)
Biology Student, UNESP, Brazil.

Caio Cristovão Carvalho, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Ph.D. Program in Bioenergy, UNESP, Brazil.

Dr. Paulo Marcelo Avila Neto, Post-doc
Ph.D. in Applied Microbiology, São Paulo State University, Brazil (2015).

Fernanda Batista de Andrade, Post-doctorate
Ph.D. in Microbiology, University of São Paulo.

Dandara Porto Pedreira, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Ph.D. Program in Bioenergy, UNESP, Brazil.

Isabelle Inácio de Oliveira, Ph.D. Student
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Ph.D. Program in Bioenergy, UNESP, Brazil.

Stella D. Cavassana, Undergraduate Student
Biology Student, UNESP, Brazil.